Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Silver Statue....

One hears of so much at the workplace...
I heard this one.... only this morning...

It was Mahavir Jayanthi yesterday
Jains everywhere celebrated the birth anniversary....
Of Mahavir...the last Tirtankar....or one of the enlightened...

In Madras....
A silver statuette of Mahavir is auctioned....
Every year...

The highest bidder yesterday...
Paid a whopping six lakh and seventy five thousand rupees....
And took the statuette home...
To stay there with him ...

For a year? ... No...
A month?....Na...
A day?...Wrong again...
He could keep the statuette for an hour!!!!
And wealthy Marwaris in the city vie for the honour!!!

A strange turn to take...
For Mahavir...
Who turned away from his Kingdom and fortune and indeed all things material...
To focus on the spiritual....
To have his statuette auctioned and taken by the highest bidder...
For money.....
Wonder how he would feel about that......

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