Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Company we keep...

A man is known by the company he keeps.. is an old saying..
Relevant even in this day and age..
If company can be extended to mean a corporate enterprise...

There has to be some 'sync' between a person's principles, opinions, values and mores...
And that of the corporate entity he or she works for...
The match between the man and the corporate is perfect..
It happens almost naturally...
Those with a social conscience may go work for an NGO...
Those interested in the environment may go work for Greenpeace...
Those interested in serving humanity....
May become doctors..nurses... teachers....

But often this is not the case.....

And like Madrasgirl...
One may end up having to write to Professors...
Emeritus Professors at that......
Men of science who have shared their learning....
In an article or two in a new book the company has published......
And ask them to choose between a free e-book download...
Which costs the company nothing....
Or a hard copy of the book...which will  mean cost + air freight!
And nudging them on to the cheaper option....

Feeling cheap all the while...
Because actually they deserve to get both...
The powers that rule the company think not!

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