Sunday, April 7, 2013

Humour in office!

Sweatshop humour is of a special kind!
At one of those monthly review meetings...
Publishers and editors burst into loud guffaws of raucous laughter!
 The reason...
The secretary had made a typo!

She had typed in tests as testes!
This was in a sentence that went: I checked the testes of several candidates, but could not find a suitable one...

The women..ranging in age from 28 to 63...were in splits..
Much to the embarrassment of the two young male executives in their late 20s...
Whose presence was forgotten and then ignored...
As they turned a funny shade of red!!

Strange...only two of us were unmoved..
 Is it because we edit medical textbooks??

 No... I think I just stopped laughing at jokes that involved body parts...
Scatological jokes included... a long while ago...
Find them funny no more, no more...
Maybe I never have!!!

And you?

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