Wednesday, August 26, 2009

One already!!!

Just doesn't seem like a year...
Since I set out...
Writing about..
This Journey of Life....
Yet it is!!

I have enjoyed putting my thoughts down...
The fun ones..
The sad ones..
And those attempts at seriousness...
In which I always seem to fall flat on my face!!

People always take me for...
The Serious One!!
Looks like that just ain't my calling....

I have to thank my faithful audience..
Who now number three and a half...

The first...
My best friend....
From my college days....
Who now spends her time ruminating in the woods...
Near her home in Zurich!!!

Then there is Champagne...
Bubbly....and chirpy....

And hmmmm.....
My niece..
Who dips in..
Whenever she can tear herself away from her research!!!
That's three!!!

Lives in Berkeley..
And visits me infrequently....

Thank you...Thank you...Thank you
All ye....
Your comments encourage me....
And keep me going....
I write only for thee....

Rest in my next....
Or as Quickgun Murugan would put it....
Mind it!!!!!
Until then!!!!!


Mad Hatter said...

Darling Madrasgirl

Congrats!! And yes, may there be many such anniversaries! Just one nitpicking note - its Quickgun Murugan, and the movie is only vaguely funny, alas :-(

Life Unedited said...

Thanks Champagne!! I stand corrected!!

Tinkerbell said...

At long last, news from yonder..
I started to think that your laptop ran out of alphabets..i kept coming up with the Abdul Kalam story whenever I looked up Madrasgirl..
Keep it going Madrasgirl..serious or funny or whatever,you know you have a faithful following.
So don't bother drawing comparisons with the likes of QGM unless youare a fan yourself.