Sunday, August 2, 2009

Style matters

The incident…
In which Abdul Kalam…
Former President of India…
Was frisked…..
At Delhi airport…
By Continental Airlines….
Has died away…

Makes me wish we could return the favor..
And frisk a Bill Clinton…
(Who may not object if the attendant were a Monica Lewinsky type clone!!!!!)
Or a George Bush Jr….

Only THEY never fly Air-India
Or Jet
Or even Kingfisher

In the US of A....
Once a President…
Always a President….
Which sets them above the pack….
Forever and ever..

Not so in India…
Where the tumbling down…
Is quite steep….
What would we lose by calling them President...
For the rest of their lives??????

It would make friskers like the Continental Airlines bimbo…
(Who may have thought twice…
If he had been more stylish…
Or looked like a nasty, snooty, sonuvvabitch…)
Realize that the friskee she or he is dealing with….
Is Political Royalty…
Even if only of the Indian kind…..
Even if he may have looked like a pushover….

Besides in my mind…
Kalam is President …
For life….
He deserves to be…

If ever…
One wanted an example..
Of a Mahaan….
In terms of honesty….
He would fit the bill!!!!
He is truly..
A role model for all Indians!!

To me..
The incident is a sad reflection…
Of how appearances matter so much…..
TOO much…
In our world…..

We are judged….
By the brands we espouse…
By the perfume we wear…
By the localities we live in…
By the car we drive in…
By homes which could double for high maintenance museums …
And various other sundry dreadful details!!!!

Those old values….
No one looks for them….
Or has the time to delve…

In the end..
All that matters…
Is whether one…
Has a Page three type personality …...
Or makes for good sound bites…

President Kalam….
Cocked a snook…
At all these superficialities …
And their worshippers thereof!!!

He remained untouched…
Lived by his own rules…
In his own sphere of existence…
Secure in his own person…
Never changing…..
Even a hair of his head…
To please the herd…..
To conform….
To their rules….

In that sense…..
He stood up…
For all those….
The small minority….
Who cannot…
And will never…
Understand the fuss….
That is made ALL the time…
Over appearances!!!!!!

Sad therefore…
That Style…
Won over Substance…
Yet again!!!!
Style continues to matter!!!
Wish it didn't...



Tinkerbell said...

I second every word..
And Dr.Kalam goes up the topmost notch in one's esteem, to know that he didn't even make a whimper of protest when they were subjecting him to the indignity.

Life Unedited said...

And then there was SRK! To think the Indian government made more of a hullabaloo over his experience with Homeland Security than over Kalam....Terrible!!!