Sunday, March 1, 2009

Jai Ho!!!!

Jai Ho!!!
That pretty much sums up my feelings for the week....

Slumdog Millionaire ...
Which I still haven't seen...
Has done for us...
What India Shining and Incredible India campaigns could not do...
Made us feel that maybe we Indians do have something about us...after all!!!...
Something unique...

Our 'never say die' spirit!!!!......
And our top quality talent...and performers
Who remain hidden...unrecognized...unsung!!!!...
Until the white man comes along...
And shows us how great they really are!!!!

I still don't get what Rehman meant when he said..
All his life.. he could choose between love and hate....
And he chose love....
Do you??
He was fortunate!!!...he could choose!!!...
But what about those who have hate thrust upon them???
I think we need a philosophic/religious discourse to explain that one to us!!!

But then....
Oscar speeches can't be easy to pull off!!!...
And Rehman deserves his two Oscar statuettes...
If not for Jai Ho...which is rather uninspiring...then for all his other wonderful creative efforts...
Vande matharam is my personal favorite...

And I did like it...
When Pookutty dedicated his Oscar to "my country"...
Wonderful India moment there!!!

Wonderful INDIA moment all around..
Inspiring to all Indians..the world over...

All I can say...
With a rather full
Way to go India!!!

JAI HO!!!!

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