Saturday, February 21, 2009

How does it work???

I just don't get it!!.....

At Sweatshop...
I tread gingerly..
Lest I disturb a Reiki angel....hard at work!!!!!...
Break a feng shui flower pot!!...
Step on and muddy... a co-worker's carefully worked-up protective shield of coloured light!!!...
Or prick the edge of another's aura...
With the sharp end of my ball point pen...
Or pencil...
And puncture it!!!....
Inadvertently of course!!!!

An ardent believer...
Often feel so unprotected...
And uncared for..
By angels, lights, auras....and the like!!!!!

When my sister in law from Dubai...
Counseled me on the mysteries of these occult sciences...
I listened!!!!....
And with a global downturn about..
Who can blame me???
All over the world now...
Anything free is welcome!!!!....
Free feng shui advice included!!!!

And thus it was...that..
Under her expert guidance...
I shifted paintings..and artifacts...
Changed the colour of curtains...
And most important...
Put up pots of strategic corners in each room...
And waited.....
For the magic to happen!!!...
And it did!!!!

A few days later...
I got something!!!
Believe it or not!!!

I got...
Mosquitoes in my house!!!
Swarms of them....
Breeding in the plants in each room!!!!
In fact up until now...
All I HAVE got...are mosquitoes!!!!....
But time will surely tell....if I get something else too...
NO...not malaria!!....or Chikungunya!!!
And don't you snigger now!!!!

Which brings me to my opening sentence: I just don't get it...
If it can work for THEM...
Why can't it work for ME???
Especially since some of them may be hard at work......
Covering me up in black ..
Or purple their minds....
Now THAT is bound to hurt me..I am sure!!!

Just about a hundred years ago...
Most of our vaashu consultants..
Pranic healing shamans...
Along with swamijis who claim to be incarnations of God...
Would have been burnt at the stake...
As heretics...
But now...
Especially in times of distress...
They flourish!!!

And I try to heed their advice...
But still...
No Reiki angel does MY bidding and fetches me my lost keys!!!!...
I have to do ALL that ALL on my own...
I assure you..

Could it be because I am not a witch???...
Or even the B word that rhymes with it!!!!

Matter of fact....
I think many things would work out if I were indeed one or the other of the two!!!!
Or even a little bit of both!!
Maybe then I wouldn't need
Miracles of any kind!!!..
The Universe or its minions would do my bidding...
Or forever face the consequences!!!!!
Think about that!!

Chins up then!!!
And Cheerio!!!


Tinkerbell said...

During the days of the little grocery store at the street corner, I would be sent on errands to buy some odd items for my mom's kitchen.
The shop keeper used to be a burly individual with a nasty moustache and a booming voice all of which terrified me. I would just stand before him and wait for him to catch my eye.
I waited and waited FOR THE MIRACLE TO HAPPEN,while every body else who walked into the shop got their stuff and left. The shopkeeper was too busy raking in the notes and the coins to notice the little kid waiting for her turn.
At last there would be a respite when Shopkeeper would pause to wipe the sweat from his brow. His great big arm would swoop down to take my 'list',"how long have you been standing there?" he would bellow.

So you have to ask. Only the crying child gets its milk!

You have to be specific.Do you want to be 60kg? Then think 60kg.Imagine yourself in a Medium size dress.It comes true, believe me you.
You have to be absolutely sure you want it and you should want it most passionately.

And we have to be realistic.
I am reminded of an aunt who prayed that her life be taken so her husband could enjoy long life and health.
Apparently her offer was taken up by the Powers that Be,for she started to have horrifying hallucinations.
Ultimately she had to renege on the offer and fortunately it was accepted.

So one has to wish/dream/hope/think specifically and realistically for things to go the way we want them to.

Paulo Coelho in the Alchemist couldnt have said it better when he said ..the universe conspires to make it happen ..when you desire something in earnest.
And when it does happen, it doesnt do so with an announcement.When you found those keys you were looking for entirely on your own,are you sure something did not direct your eyes to the place they were safely hidden?


Life Unedited said...
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Unknown said...

That was a fabulous piece! I completely enjoyed it! You know what my views are on all this, so I wont bore you with them. But in general, just relax, enjoy your life and dont worry about the problems. Anyway, whatever happens HAS to be faced!

Unknown said...

Some words of wisdom from your sister-in-law in Dubai. You have to call on your Reiki angels through the right channels for them to come to you. There are also things you could do to feng shuitise your house so that you do not get Chikun Guniya or other dreadful diseases. Want any more tips or help in calling up your angels? Don't hesitate to call your sis-in-law from Dubai!!!