Saturday, June 15, 2013

Madrasgirl is Aadhar-ed!!

I did it!!
I finished the process..
For getting an Aadhar card!!!
A "unique" identification card to add to a plethora of other ID cards for Indian citizens...... ration card, passport, voter ID, PAN card, driver's license, bank passbook..........
All of which are not "unique enough" any longer....

So Madrasgirl....
Stood for four long hours in a queue in the June sun...
It could have been longer...
Only Spouse was kind enough to finish the verification process earlier ......for Madrasgirl...
That took him about two hours of queuing up......

The rationale behind this card is still not clear....
It is not mandatory....say some...
But rumours abound that the card will be linked to the gas connection number and that linked to the card holder's bank account....
The Government of India will then credit the subsidy portion for the gas cylinders directly to the cardholder's account....
The consumer will pay the gas company the full amount...
And wait....for the subsidy come flowing in once a year!!!!..

Why can't they just say...
We have no money in the coffers for subsidies....
 Seems like they are putting it off....
In the belief that....
When it is time to pay the Piper...
Another government will be installed and will have to deal with it!!!

In the meantime...
The crowds from Madrasgirl's locality surged forward....
Young and old alike...

In theory..
Senior Citizens do not have to wait in queue...
But as the folks manning the gates said...
Only if they are physically unable to stand!!!
They should be above 80 and preferably hold a walking stick in hand...
Or better still... arrive in a wheelchair..

But even this is an improvement on earlier times!!!

 Photograph taken..check...
Biometrics done...check...
Receipt received....check...
Now, the next step is to wait for the actual delivery of the cards...
These will be sent by ordinary post......
So we are once again at the mercy of forces beyond our control!!
Madrasgirl's mail is always thrown at some neighbor's gate!!!!!
Or perhaps even thrown away...who knows?.. the postman doesn't care....

Funny thing is...
In spite of the many cards of identification ...kept in a special the same Godrej cupboard as the jewellery.....
When it is time to travel...
Madrasgirl will once again... leave all her cards..safely behind...for sure....
At home!!!


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