Monday, January 3, 2011

As a New Year dawns....

I wonder whether..
Life gets better as Time moves on...
Or do we just get better at dealing with what it brings??

What irked us ...
Annoyed us...
Embarrassed us..
In our youth...
Now seem inconsequential....

Do we sharpen our dealing with Life...
Improve at living as we age??
Or is it that we are...
More prepared to be thrown off-course...
More ready to dust ourselves up..
And move on???

Are we different now..
Do we dance to a different tune???
And is that because..
Many of those who went"tut tut"..
And held us to a certain behavior...
Are now no longer around??

Are we more free???
Why then do I feel more enslaved???

Is Madrasgirl going to turn philosopher in 2011???
Let's just watch this space...
Shall we??


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