Saturday, August 21, 2010

Madrasgirl meets minor celebrity....

Last week...
Madrasgirl and Spouse ran into a minor celebrity...
At the Mundakananniamman temple...
In Mylapore...

She had come with her incredibly young-looking efficient mother...
To place her wedding invitations..
At the feet of the Goddess...

Spouse was sure that she is a TV newsreader...
Madrasgirl was positive she comperes a TV talk show..
We knew her face....

The young mother with the newborn baby in her arms...
Moved quickly across to the other side of the aisle...
To stand next to the celebrity....
They exchanged smiles....
The young mother looked happy...

To be acknowledged by a celebrity...
In public...
Is no small matter!!!
And our celebrity understood this...
She was gracious!!!

As we waited after the abhishekam
For the Goddess to be adorned...
Who usually handles celebrities by behaving as if they do not exist.....
Was tempted to see how the girl handled herself...

She came out with flying colors....
Comfortable with the attention she drew...
Not at all irritated...
Or fed up....

She continued to chat animatedly with her mother...
As a small group of priests and temple workers...
Sat on the steps...
Talking loudly and trying to catch her eye...
She was going to be the stuff of all their conversations with relatives and friends that day!!!
For sure...

The pooja over..
She left...
Smiling at the priests...
Asking them to come for her wedding....
She made everyone happy...

Handled correctly...
A little celebrity can be a good thing after all....


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