Monday, February 22, 2010

So not like Madras!

In Madras..
Or Chennai if you will...
Spouse when badgered to ask for directions while driving...
Would miss the auto drivers and the other local know-it-alls
To hone in on the wrong guys!!!!

Typical responses we get:
I don't know saar..
I am new to the area..
Turn left, then right, then no..right and then left again and then ask someone there!!!

Winner and I are looking for the Indian temple...
In a scene that looks like it came out of the sets of Fargo!!
Snow..snow...and then..some more snow!!

Me: Can't we ask someone??? Some friendly person??? They LOOK so friendly!!!
Winner: What??? Are you kidding me???

At best...
We can whip out the GPS or whatever and get those directions!!!
From a gadget!!!
Not from a flesh and blood human being!!!
No sir!!!

That's not all....
Driving across the bridge on the Des Plaines river...
I wish we could stop and take a photograph...
No can do!!!
Not like at home...
Where we never did have to miss such photo ops!!
For such reasons!!!

So different from Madras that is now Chennai!!!
Such a change...
From home...

Adios then!!!


Unknown said...

Am so glad you're updating this! ok, why cant you ask people directions or stop and take a pic? Is Detroit that unsafe?

Life Unedited said...

Na...just not done...not the custom...maybe they'll think you are some trouble no one tries! Even at restaurants, often you have to wait for them to wave you to your place....not like home :-)

Life Unedited said...

As for the pics, there are can't stop on the Highways...only at designated areas...not necessarily the picturesque ones.