Saturday, June 20, 2009

And thus is empathy born....

Words take on new meaning...
In illness...

Words like..
Become real...
Take new form..
And acquire..
An added depth...
Of feeling...

How can the rest of the world walk about???
Or listen to the beat of that music...
Those thumping noises from afar..
That mimic the throbbing in my head...
And heighten the pain???

Now I understand...
What Surrogate Mother means...
When she says....
I feel so drained...
I now feel that feeling....
I feel empathy....

If a touch of food poisoning can bring this about...
Imagine what those others who are seriously ill must feel...
Don't even want to let my mind go there!!!

Good Health...
It really is worth sweating for....
And a touch of the runs..
Or a fever....
Only helps increase its value in our eyes...

The shadow of wretchedness...
Falls on me...and..
Fills me with empathy..
For the sick.....

Bon Sante!!!!
To us all!!!


Vaishnavi Sivasankar said...

that was really nice!!! are you not well or something?

Life Unedited said... poisoning...