Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where's that funny bone???

Some time between December last year and January this year...
I lost something valuable...
My funny bone!!!!
It disappeared quite suddenly....

My strength and support...
In happy times and sad...
In times of crises...
Even when the predictions for our global future were quite dire...

And then it suddenly disappeared...
Not the world woes...those remain...
I mean..
My funny bone it is that has gone...
And I have been seeking it desperately....ever since...

Do help me find...if you can..

1 comment:

Tinkerbell said...

Let's see how one can help..
1.Stand up and imagine you're a dog.
Next,try to bite off your tail.
If you succeed give yourself a steaming cup of coffee.
If not,skip to the door,and take a 5 minute walk round the block.
2.Sit down in a quiet corner and write down at least 10 things other people have and you don't,such as:
drunken parents,
roofless shelter,
3.Take out old issues of MAD or Asterix and give them the once over.
4.See one of these Kamala Haasanmovies:
Anbe Sivam,Tenali.
End of day,you'll be driving others crazy with your laughing.