Sunday, June 24, 2012

More chemical than elemental...

Birthmother often quotes her favourite and only Uncle..
When discussions turn towards the other world...

We are made of the five elements.....
Earth, air, fire, water and ether...

He told her..
When she was all of 11 years old and had by then...
Lost both her parents....

When we die, we turn again into the elements and go back to that elemental state
He is supposed to have explained..
Now, I wonder if that is a comforting thought!!!
But she felt comforted...
At least it meant no ghosts!!!

I rather prefer the garbage about ..
Wandering around for a while in another level of being..
Followed by Rebirth...
And getting a second, third, fourth or fifth shot at things!!!!

Seems like I am not made of the elements alone...
Last week..
A stiff frozen leg...
made me moan and groan...

Birthmother suggested a course of something called Met-neurobion...
One tablet later...
My frozen leg slowly unfroze...
The tablet rectified some chemical imbalance...

Madrasgirl it seems..
Is made of more than earth, air, fire, water and ether..
She is made of chemicals too!!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Searching for Sanjeevani....

I was cleaning a bunch of keerai... aka spinach or greens...last week...
When Birthmother..
Seeing me ready to throw away the last of the bunch said with a smile:
"Don't be in a rush and throw it all away...
They say sanjeevani may lie hidden among the last leaves of the bunch..."

That set me off...
On my search for sanjeevani.....

Unlike Hanuman...
I do not have to go to Mount Sumeru...
Or bring back that mountain....

To find this magical herb of Hindu mythology...
Which is capable of curing all maladies...
And can even bring the dead back to life!!!
I only have to look in the next bunch of greens...that I clean!!!!

What a clever ploy to prevent lazy ones like me...
From impatiently throwing away the tiny leaves...
But who knows??
Maybe there is something in these old wives tales!!!!

Searching for sanjeevani then...
Brings a smile to Maid's face...
As she watches me...

Sanjeevani?? she asks me and laughs!!!
Yes..I smile!!!
As I finish going through the bunch!!!

Searching for sanjeevani...
Almost made me late for work yesterday!!!

Maybe I will find it one of these days...
Only just like Hanuman....
I do not know what it looks like!!!!!
Just hope I do not toss it away!!!
