Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Untouchables...

I had this pain in my right arm...
It kept me from sleeping at night...
And after a week of tossing and turning...
Home therapies....resteclin, crocin, imol, even hetrazan...a warm shawl wrapped around me...
I walked into The Critical Care Center in my neighborhood!!!

The duty doctor was a pleasant person...
He asked the nurse to take my BP, pulse, temperature...
Looked over my previous reports...
Peered into my throat...

He asked me what was wrong....
I told him...
My seems to be swollen here...
He did not try to feel it...
I feel as if the lymph nodes are swollen...
He made no move to see if this was true....
Just took my word for it!!!

Then he consulted with his boss over the telephone...
And told me he thought it was just muscular pain!!!!

I was amazed
The tactile sense is no longer a part of the diagnostic process!!!!
Machines record vital signs...and parameters..
Based on these tests..
Treatment decisions are made....

No one wants to be touching every patient passing by...
But they could use gloves for God's sake!!!
Have patients become the new untouchables??

Talk about the healing touch!!
A thing of the past for sure!!!
