Saturday, July 23, 2011

Of Mendel's peas and the Amazon in my family tree...

On Wednesday..
Google reminded us of Mendel's 189th birthday..
With its logo made of peas!

I do not remember the peas..
But I do remember the theory!!
Perhaps because as a student..
I used my family as an aide-memoir!

Grandfather who towered over us at 6 ft 2 inches...
Was married to Grandmother...
A diminutive 5 feet nothing
Of their children...
Father is tall...
Aunts 1, 2 and 3 were/are short!
Just like Mendel said!!!!

As a child...
I was constantly told...
That I looked the picture of Surrogate Mother!!
When strangers pointed to the resemblance and assumed that I was her daughter...
She would not correct them..
Instead...she beamed with happiness!!!

Come adolescence...
Things changed...
Instead of staying short and delicate and small-boned...
With long flowing hair... like her...
My limbs grew and went into overdrive...
The resemblance became more faint with the passing years...

For this I have to thank the Amazon in my family tree...
My petite grandmother's tall and big-made Mother!
An Amazon of a woman!!!!
I inherited her genetic traits!!