Saturday, April 30, 2011

My loss

When I was in school..
Two ladies always came together...
To talk to my teachers or pick me up.

My classmates said..
You have two mothers..
Surrogate Mother and Birth mother ...
I have always thought so too...

On Friday night..
Surrogate Mother passed away...
When I was at the other end of the world..

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The World Cup and its unsung heroes!!!!

The World Cup is ours!!!
The Victory lap has been run..
Dhoni and his boys have been glorified!!
The team has been rewarded in cash and in kind!!!
But sadly some who played a major role in the Victory remain unsung!!!

The truth may stun you..
But it has to be told....
Spouse ...
And some others of similar mettle!!!!
Played a major role!!!
And really deserve a part of the glory!!!

Without them..
Like Sita...
The World Cup may have been snatched and taken away across the seas to Lanka!!!!

Here's what happened...
It is Spouse's firm belief that if he watches India play...
We will lose!!!!!
And to his credit...
He acted on this belief!!!

When India played Pakistan... ardent cricket fan...
Forced himself to go to bed early!!!
Sure enough...
India won!!!!
That proved it!!!
He had hit upon the sure-shot mantra for victory!!!

When the Finals came on...
He watched Srilanka bat...
And then...
Crept unwillingly to bed...
Stirred only by the sound of a distant cracker...
He rushed to the TV...
To watch Dhoni hit us to victory!!!!

Just across..
In my parental home...
Birth mother was forced by Father et al...
To remain confined to the bedroom....
The longer she stayed inside..
The more runs India made!!!

So you see..
The World Cup was not won by the Indian cricket team alone...
So Spouse...
Heroic in their own way...
Indulged in some similar act of idiocy....
Sometimes bordering on lunacy!!!
Only to ensure India's victory!!!!

Across the length and breadth of the country...
Cricket fans valiantly refrained..
From moving from uncomfortable positions on the couch...
From indulging in a loo break...and...
Promised to perform abishekams..archanais... and tonsure their heads!!!
All to ensure an Indian victory!!!

Madrasgirl salutes these unsung heroes!!!
Born to blush unseen...

The World Cup was won ONLY by such acts of solemn sacrifice!!!
This was a TEAM INDIAN effort!!!

Jai Hind!!!!!!