Sunday, March 13, 2011

The rhythm of routine....

The word conjures images...
Of being stuck in a groove...
Like the needle of a record player....
Or being yoked to a plough...
Like oxen!!

Routine has become synonymous with the rat race that is our lives today!!!
We are constantly trying to break away from it!!!

All of us have routines that we follow..
Little rituals that we perform on a daily basis..
In a certain order.....

Every day....
We follow...
Those same little patterns of being and doing!!!!

My routine in the morning....
Now that summer has set in...
Is to sit out on the verandah...
And read the morning papers...

My cup of coffee in hand....
I look up every now and then...
To listen to the ruckus of the birds in the trees...

I look forward to this....
It sets the pace for the rest of my day!!!!

This pattern may change a little...
I may go pluck some flowers for the morning pooja..
And then do the newspaper-coffee on the verandah routine!!

Or I may abandon it for a new routine...
I may nip across and have coffee in my parental home!!!

Our daily routines...
Change in subtle small ways...
That we barely notice!!
But they are enjoyable...
And perhaps..
Because they are predictable...
They lend comfort..
And add a touch of certainty to our existence!!!

When there is a crisis of any sort in our lives........
Routine is the first casualty!!!
It is quickly abandoned!!!
We then long for those familiar patterns...
Of living of normality!!!...

We miss our usual daily routine!!!

I love those little routines...
That are a part of my life...
They add a certain cadence...
A rhythm to my life!!!

But then..I am a creature of habit!!
