Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lessons from Sun direct........

This week...
A few random pearls of wisdom.......
Gleaned from Tamil soaps...
Broadcast on Sun TV..
On just one long and lonely evening!!!

Based on what I saw....
I drew the following broad conclusions:
In each hamlet aka district in Tamizhnadu...
A thalaivar.....
Of pristine moral dimensions...
Pronounces judgment on all matters...
Usually of a domestic and intensely personal kind...

This said thalaivar...
Of pristine moral character....
Often has two wives....
And the two wives live in harmony...albeit in different houses...
But are on the best of terms..
And call each other...
Akka and thangachi...

Of course..
No one tosses said thalaivar in the slammer for bigamy!!!
Least of all the police...
And it is not because the DSP is his nephew!!
Just that thalaivars are allowed more lee way in such matters..
Being more red in the blood than thou and thine!!!

Lesson No: 2....
You can be the first woman Sub-collector of a district..
But you cannot disobey the edict of the naattamai!!!
Even if this does seem like some strange kind of katta panchayat!!!
Or parallel governance!!

Lesson No:3...
You may be a stormy petrel of revolutionary thought...
But if the holy thread given to you by your husband falls off...
Then evil forces will ensure that you die in childbirth!!!
Unless someone finds it just in time...
And they usually do!

Lesson No: 4...
You should not demand a dowry...
But if the girl's family gives their word...
That they will gift 50 sovereigns of gold to their daughter...
Then you can insist that they keep their word...
Or the bridegroom will not tie the knot!!!!

And the police cannot arrest you..
Because you are not insisting on a dowry..
Just that the loons on the other side...
Keep their promise!!!

I learnt so much ...
In an evening..
With merely half an eye on the tube!!!!

Such genius!!!
I would like to meet these script writers and shake their hand!!!
I must also put in a word for the orchestra...
Which does the continuous wailing routine!!!!
In makes us aware that life can be tough!!!...

That this kind of stuff...
Is piped into a zillion homes...
And no one has lost their mind yet!!!
That is the miracle that TV has wrought!!!!
