Friday, November 26, 2010

Can religion be a 'fun' experience???

Looks like it can be just that!!!

I plucked the video below..
From the page of a young relative...
On Facebook!!!

The singers and those sung to...
Are having the time of their you would see if you viewed it!
Singing Krishna Govinda....

The lead singer has a magnetism...
That is sensual....
Very Krishna-like in a way!!!!

This is how Krishna danced with his gopikas!!!!
Perhaps That Avatar is meant to show us...
That one can and should have fun!!!!
If we do not hurt others in the bargain!!!

What irks me is...
That is takes a Western crowd...
To show us.....
That religion has several aspects...
They have discovered the more 'fun' aspect!!!!

If we chose a more somber mode...
It is a choice we make...
And in our version of things...
Only obese elderly women...
With chakrams tattooed on their upper arm!!!!!
Are allowed to go off into a trance...
And dance!!!!

As some wise guy said...
We make Our Gods in our own image....
Had we been 'fun' people...
We would have quickly discovered the 'fun' part!!!...

End of story!!!..